"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Body Crash

Gahhhh! Isn't it just the way of things? You square away must-do tasks, you line up your brain for work, you go to bed anticipating a productive tomorrow full of writing, and then you wake up in the morning with hardware failure.

Blaah! I can barely look at my computer screen right now, and mere thought of staring at it for longer that 10 minutes makes me literally break out in a cold sweat and feel nauseous. I have to stop kidding myself that I can complete today's writing tasks. So I'm off to nurse this vehicle (if only I could download my mind into another body while I send this one off for a rest or repair) and maybe I'll be able to scrounge an hour or two to tap out a few words later on.

The final bummer is that I don't think I can even read much :(


Steve Cameron said...

It's all about balance.

Look after yourself, Gitte.


Gitte Christensen said...

Thank you, Steve.

You're right, of course, but it's frustrating to have to forgo a whole, wonderfully quiet Sunday of writing when one is on a roll.