"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Silent Sunday

Today was quiet too. So perhaps ... maybe... dare I tentatively hope that my trials by doof-doof are over?

Seizing the [quiet] day, I got some writing done, and submitted 3 short stories and a poem. While looking around for new markets, I came across this advice in the submission guidelines for Theaker’s Quartely’:

Note also that if your story is published in TQF (or any other non-paying or low-paying magazine, for that matter) that will probably preclude it being sold at full price to any professional market later on. If you are making a career of writing, sometimes it's best to keep your work in the drawer. Even if it isn't in fashion right now, there may be a market for it ten years down the line.

A few of my stories are accumulating a serious number of rejections, and I’m running out of places to send them. They’re good stories (or so the rejecting editors have told me) all of which have been held for final consideration a number of times, some by pro publications, but they just can’t seem to find homes. I suppose this is what happens when you build up a large stable of stories. So perhaps I need to just relax and stash them away in a drawer, wait until the right opportunities come along and whip 'em out then.

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