"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Saturday, October 2, 2010

You just never know

Contrary to yesterday's extremely pessimistic expectations, today turned out to be a most productive and enjoyable day.

It was as quiet as, so I fired up the computer, did a few hours of so-so writing (a few hundred words of a sad (bleak?) love story and the overhauling of an amusing (?) poem that I'll send off tomorrow), made deadline plans for the rest of the month (finish four stories that possibly suit upcoming anthologies), and also fitted in a nice walk, reading (The Selected Works of TS Spivet by Reif Larsen - far too awkward a book to read while commuting) and domestic stuff like washing (still loving that I get to hang bedclothes out in the fresh air), baking (buttermilk scones, prune and walnut bread) cooking (a huge bean and vegie bake for portion freezing), and bonding with cats who are seriously cranky about me being away at the Arvo Job so much this fortnight.

Now to finish off with a spot of DVD watching. Dare I dream that I might get to write tomorrow too?

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