"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Friday, April 22, 2011


Usually, come a longer break like Easter, I'd be off trail riding through some mountainous national forest somewhere, but public holidays are a busy time my sister's booming business, so that's no longer a holiday option.

Alas, I'm not in Perth at Swancon Thirty Six Natcon Fifty, the Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention either. One day, perhaps, I'll be able to justify the cost of travelling westwards across this great continent of ours for informative panels, booze ups and writerly chats, but not yet.To console myself, I've just downloaded a membership form for Continuum 7 , Melbourne's very own speculative fiction and pop culture convention, which will be held June 10-13. I can use my weekly train ticket to get to that venue. Muuuuch cheaper.

In the meantime, I am not at all miserable, for I have a great big delicious block of time for reading, patting cats, eating hot cross buns, catching up with people, and writing in my jammies. I'm looking forward to pulling out a couple of bigger projects, aka novels, that really don't get the attention they deserve during the chopped up days of a normal working week. I'll try to get them back on track and out into the world sometime over the next couple of months.

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