"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Hasty Horticultural Grumble

I have enough problems with the whole 'slow food' movement because I've never been much of a fast food person myself and to me it goes without saying that when you cook something up, you take your time and enjoy the process, but hey, their hearts are in the right place so I mostly let it slide. However, this morning I was reading about slow gardening.

Slow gardening? Unless you have only 3 potted cacti to look after, are a regular Edward Scissorhands with the whipper-snipper or bomb your backyard with copious amounts of Agent Orange to keep things under control, gardening has never been something you whizz out and do when you have a spare five minutes. That's why we all complain about how messy it all gets when we're busy. Still, once again, I suppose their motives are pure and they simply want to turn weed pulling into a Zen experience. Alas, my nose gets twitchy whenever I sniff a new trend that might turn into another hyper competitive, must-do craze that will make folk more miserable than happy if they can't keep up with the serenely rose-beheading Joneses.

Not that there's anything wrong with slow. There are a few stop-and-take-your-time fads I would like to see catch on.

Slow financial advice for one. Slow business management. Slow politics. Oh yeah, leaders of great nations taking their time to think deeply and make wise, long term decisions. I could live with that.

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