"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Sunday, January 6, 2013

That Was That

Back to the Real World tomorrow, so I'd better start getting my head in the Arvo Job zone again. And think about getting to bed. Still, I'm wonderfully rested and it's been a good two weeks off. The first week involved a lot of socialising and some writing, and the second week involved less socialising and lot more writing. The upshot of this is that I have a shiny, new, spacey, potentially Hugo-winning ( hey, let's throw in a Ditmar too) SF story that I'm very pleased with weighing in at 8714 words (editing should bring it down to something more sellable)  and a lightweight fantasy with two demons and a gargoyle that'll sneak into the 3-4k category once it's polished. I almost finished a third (the ending is proving troublesome), and also tinkered with a few, half-done oldies, so all in all, not a bad effort.

And tomorrow, probably on the train, I'll start on a new story for an antho (not due for months yet) that I wasn't going to chase unless I got the beginning, middle and end of a story before attempting it, which happened today while I was washing the floors. I immediately downed tools and excitedly hurried into my office to jot down notes, then reluctantly returned to my way overdue chores. As much as I view cleaning as a necessary time-waster, strangely enough, I do often come up with ideas whilst wielding the paraphernalia of scrubbing. It's affirmation of the bored brain desperately seeking stimulation theory, I think. So yeah, this week's mission is to finish the first draft of a post-Singularity tale that as yet only exists in my head. Here's hoping that the nuts and bolts of it smoothly flow from my brain into my computer.

Ah holidays - so good for the soul.

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