"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Worldcon Four: Priorities.

What happened to days two and three? You tell me. I’m in a bubble. I suspect, however, that it has to do with a little something Einstein mentioned in his Special Theory of SF Geekdom called Convention Time. Anyway, I’ll do a catchup later in the week.

For now, it’s enough to report that I’ve boldly set forth early each day, my rucksack packed with special survival rations: cheese sandwiches, Pink Ladies, gingerbread men and barrels of water (that convention centre literally sucks the fluid out of you). I've done much, learnt much, and met many people. No details now - must get ready for tomorrow.

I’m only posting today so I can show you that I achieved my ultimate goal. Well, one of my many ultimate WorldCon goals (and yes, I got Kim Stanley Robinson's autograph - yay!)
Some people will leave AussieCon4 with a Hugo (and congratulations to them all), but me, I’ve got this Lego Dalek that I made myself:

And proud I am of it too, as were the others at this workshop (proud of their own creations, I mean). This was FUN. And believe me, there will be mini-Daleks posted on Facebooks everywhere.

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