"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Worldcon One

A gentle start to Aussiecon4 - gotta pace myself. I attended the opening ceremony, then fun was had, panels were attended (only two today: ‘The balancing act of speculative fiction comedy’ and 'Minotaurs in space helmets: using myth in science fiction’), familiar names were attached to faces, hellos were said, and hands were shaken.

And in breaking news, a fellow YOSF&F workshopper who is also a Worldcon volunteer informed me that all is not lost on the building a Dalek out of Lego front – apparently there’s a session for adults too. Consider it locked in.

After a spin around the Dealers Room, I headed across the city for a movie: Tomorrow, When the War Began. Good, gripping stuff.

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