"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A week of blah

It started with a traffic fine, segued into long, long, long, long days of Arvo Jobbing at a hasty, Xmas pace and lots of snoozing on the trains, and finished off with a series of major Arvo Job stuff ups. On the home front, the grass out the front is knee-high (I want to put up a sign saying 'Coming soon to this lawn: a man with a mower' just so that people know I'm on it) the rose trellis is coming off the front porch after the storms of the past few weeks, a bathroom sink is blocked, and my vacuum cleaner is dying.

I did, however, manage to pare back the loser submission that was rejected on Sunday. Being tired is good when hacking superfluous words from an indulgent piece - one has no patience with one's own misunderstood "genius", and annihilating fun-to-write but unnecessary prose is suddenly easy.

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