"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside

And so, unfortunately, did everyone else on this stunning, unseasonably warm Spring Sunday. At Airey's Inlet today, far, far more than the usual quota of folk for this time of the year filled the Great Ocean Road beach with their towels, tents, kites, kids and dogs, so even though my sister and I got in a few highly enjoyable canters, they were nothing like the glorious gallops along an empty shore that we usually enjoy before the Summer crowds turn up.

In the afternoon, after starting out with a larger group, 3 of us, mounted on mares infamous for their attitudes (sort of equine versions of the Pink Ladies from Grease) split off for a more challenging bush ride. I wish I'd taken my camera, because at one point, a "stick" on a wide track suddenly moved and we immediately reined into let the "stick", a huge tiger snake, make its leisurely way across the road. It was fascinating to watch, and we had a good, comparing-snake-stories chat while we waited until it reached the other side. It rested there on the slope of the embankment, in no hurry to move on. As we rode past, we eyeballed it, and it kept a beady eye on us.

And to finish off, even though not technically a foal, this Shetland does fulfill enough foal-like criteria - he's small, cute and cheeky - to adorn today's Foalwatch space, since foals, at the moment, are few and far between.

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