"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Made it!

Time has been extremely tight the past 2 weeks, and it didn't help in the least that I spent yesterday either sleeping or coughing or blowing my nose or raging against the silence imposed by a dodgy throat (be warned, world - my voice is starting to come back), but I wanted to finish and send off my SF pony story for today's anthology deadline, so after sleeping in again this morning, I spent 7 hours on this rainy Sunday afternoon, in between coughing fits, on getting it done and dusted. Typically, even though I thought I knew what was going to happen, the story changed as I wrote the final section and edited it. Instead of being dark and cynical, it morphed into something dark and cynical but with a quite tender love story. And there's a pony in it, of course. Mustn't forget the pony.

Anyway, I'm just glad I made the deadline. Whether it cuts the mustard for the antho is a different matter. Now for all those things I didn't get done today because I was writing. What time is it anyway? Whoa - would anyone like to pop by and do my ironing?

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