"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WIP Sliding Away

I've been working on my harpy story again. My plan was to finish up the first draft of a completely different piece this week, but what the hey - as long as I'm working on something.

I thought I had my harpy story all lined up and ready to polish, but obviously inspired by the backwards history structure of The People of the Book, my brain suddenly presented me with a series of almost complete scenes from the main character's backstory to slot into the narrative. I quite liked them, so I've been weaving these rather sad and/or gruesome flashes of backstory into the modern main part of the tale this week, and holding the whole thing up to the light and turning it this way and that to see if I like the result. I do, but then I'm rather partial to the odd spot of non-linear narrative. These additions, however, have changed the tone of the story, so I'll have to adjust the modern part to fit. But it's a much better story now - it's got heart - and in the process, my harpy crossed that magical threshold from being a mere workmanlike assembly of character traits to becoming something more real.

It's always lovely when that happens.

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