"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Monday, May 28, 2012

Going Dark

Whoa - nerves are really hitting big time. It's at times like these that I wonder how anyone can walk with dignity up the steps to a scaffold to be hung or have their head chopped off. I'm doing this voluntarily, otherwise they'd have to drag me kicking and screaming and begging for mercy to the op table.

It's time to try and herd the cats into their containers - they know something isn't right, so it should be fun.

Anyway, see you all on the other side.


Anonymous said...

Good luck!

(Set yourself a challenge to distract yourself. Like: This time, when I count backwards from ten, I WILL reach zero. Take THAT, anaesthetist!!)

(Who Has Been Doing Historical Research)
(OMG No Anaesthesia, I'm So Glad I Was Born Now)

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Gitte.

Maybe you'll have some really great dreams under the anaesthetic that you can use in future stories.


parlance said...

Good luck, both with the surgery, and with the recovery.

Gitte Christensen said...


It's so kind of you all to leave these best wishes, but I'm afraid I'll have to hold onto them and cash them in them next week.

Oh well, at least this way I get to read them and be cheered up before surgery rather than after.

Thanks again,