"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Sunday, January 30, 2011

It takes two to tangle

So I started the week with the great news that the print version of The Tangled Bank is coming out next month, saw the Disney movie Tangled yesterday, and in between wrote a post about entangled electrons inside bird brains. My pattern recognition system is picking up a trend here. And what does it all mean? Nothing, of course, but magical thinking is always looking for ways to take over one's thoughts.

And the movie? I enjoyed it. I especially enjoyed the not-at-all-subtle criticism of overprotective parents who transfer their own dark fears based on their own bad experiences of the life onto their children, who use psychological manipulations and emotional blackmail to the point where they're actually imprisoning their offspring and preventing them from exploring the world, who make all the decisions and thereby deny their kiddies of the opportunity to engage in the often painful process of making mistakes, who, simply put, be their motives good, selfish, based on martyrdom or a need for control, stop their kids from growing up. Rapunzel's tower - seriously symbolic. All this, and pretty flowers and twittering bluebirds too.

The characters? As far as I'm concerned, the sidekicks stole the show. Pascal the smart-assy chameleon with a touch of darkness in his little heart, and Maximus the sword-wielding, übermilitary, bloodhound x palace guard horse.

Now, enough with the procrastination. Back to work *cracks the whip* . There's a dark, political ghost story that needs another round of polishing so I can send it off tonight.

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