"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Moonlight and Lawn Mowers

Catching up on this week's scandals about submission guidelines and discussions about using the term speculative fiction to cover SFF and Horror and possibly mainstream/literary fiction that spices up mundane stories with a touch of magic or genetic manipulation (that godsend the Lawn Mower Man is here again tidying up my jungle and entertaining the cats, so I'm allowed to fritter away uhhm, another half an hour on the internet, then it's back to work) I noticed that Moonlight Tuber #2 is now out. You can get it here.

My motives for passing on this news are entirely selfish. If MT becomes a respected and world famous, Hugo Award and possibly Oscar winning publication, it'll impress people when I brag that I was in issue #1 (A Sweet Story).

Also, the stories are good. And brave new genre publications that pay writers for their work should be supported and encouraged.

So here's the lineup of MT #2's fine contributors:

Forrest Aguirre
Liz Argall
Peter M. Ball
Jennifer Hollie Bowles
Will Ross
Stephanie Scarborough

Now, back to the gossip, uhhm, I mean the informing debates and intensely useful information.

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