"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Friday, January 28, 2011

I've got me a hammer

Migrating birds navigate by sensing the Earth's magnetic field, and now it seems this talent might involve quantum entanglement, says New Scientist.

That the inside of a bird's head possibly protects quantum coherence better than any artificial system we've managed to come up with conjures some odd images and plants story-seeds, as does the article about scanning the brains of sleeping babies to track the development of white matter. So there, stuff for my notebooks and topics to dwell upon at a later date. I see a few brain stories in my future.

But right now, it's time to pick up my word-hammer and demolish the SF story I've been working on for what seems like an eternity. I woke up this morning with a possible solution to its knotty structure. I'm not happy with this solution as it involves getting rid of some much cherished paragraphs, but hey, it's not all about me. It's about the story.

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