"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Thursday, June 30, 2011

They're baaaack

Oh yeah, my old pals the Doofhead neighbours are back from whatever bogan planet they've been visiting for the last 7-8 months. Each night this week, they've indulged in their favourite pastime, the it's-all-quiet-when-she-gets-home-to-lure-her-into-a-false-sense-of-security-then-twenty-minutes-later-we-hit-her-with-the-choppy-low-frequency-woofy-bass game. It's not as bad as last time, but building up, I think.

So, fun days ahead :(

In better news, my Spirit story (as in Mars rover) suddenly came together on the train today. It'll only be a littlie, but hopefully a goody.

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