"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
End of the Month Report: January 2012
Submissions:2 Rejections: 5 Acceptances: 0 Published: 0 Stories out in the wild: 7 New stories completed: 1 (The wuxia-steampunk one) Mood: I'm actually enjoying this crazy gig lately.
Hi Gitte, this seems to be a US phenomenon as well, with even celebrities turning up to events in jim jams, albeit designer silk jim jams. And, from experience, I know that in certain Victorian regional towns its not unknown these days for find people dropping into the supermarket in their pyjamas. Seems like a growing trend.
Hmmm, I wouldn't mind a pair of designer silk jim-jams myself.
Anyway, if wearing jammies is good enough for the rich and famous and the down-and-outs of Dublin and your relaxed country folk, then it's time the rest of us jumped on the bandwagon, so I'm off to pick a pair to wear to the Arvo Job tomorrow ;)
Writer. Reader. Rider.
My speculative fiction has featured in Aurealis, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, The NSW School Magazine, The Year's Best Australian Horror and Fantasy 2010 and many other publications. I'm a member of the Australian Horror Writers Association, and am currently a judge on the Short Works / Collections / Edited Works panel for the 2013 Australian Shadows Awards
BARDS AND SAGES QUARTERLY, April 2014 issue. Includes my humorous cops and aliens story 'A Moveable Buffet'.
Also out now:
Lakeside Circus, Issue #1, which includes my dark, political ghost story 'Winds of Change'
ALIENS: RECENT ENCOUNTERS, edited by Alex Dally MacFarlane, Prime Books. Includes my SF story 'Nullipara'.
DARK TALES OF LOST CIVILIZATIONS, edited by Eric J. Guignard, Dark Moon Books. Includes my futuristic steampunk story 'Whale of a Time'.
RETURN OF THE DEAD MEN (AND WOMEN) WALKING, edited by Julie Ann Dawson, Bards & Sages Publishing. Includes my 1920s Aussie vampire droving yarn 'The Snowy River Feral'.
The Wolfgirl in the Cupboard (SF/F) - Mark of the Beast: New Legends of the Werewolf, edited by Scott David Aniolowski, Chaosium.
The Real Deal (SF) - Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, Issue #59.
Hard Rubbish (SF) - 100 Lightnings, edited by Stephen Studach, Paroxysm Press.
Blame Games (SF) - 100 Lightnings, edited by Stephen Studach, Paroxysm Press.
Sassanid Sands (F) - Lakeside Circus
April: Time to get in some adventuring before the cold times hit.
Hi Gitte, this seems to be a US phenomenon as well, with even celebrities turning up to events in jim jams, albeit designer silk jim jams. And, from experience, I know that in certain Victorian regional towns its not unknown these days for find people dropping into the supermarket in their pyjamas. Seems like a growing trend.
Hi Jen,
Hmmm, I wouldn't mind a pair of designer silk jim-jams myself.
Anyway, if wearing jammies is good enough for the rich and famous and the down-and-outs of Dublin and your relaxed country folk, then it's time the rest of us jumped on the bandwagon, so I'm off to pick a pair to wear to the Arvo Job tomorrow ;)
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