"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lovecraftian Brain-Laxative

I just started my steampunk Cthulu story and wrote 326 words in an hour. I'm back! My writing-mind is working again. All it took was a dollop of Victoriana, a dash of Lovecraft, and a few teaspoons of a secret try-this-just-for-fun patented mixture purchased at a mysterious sideshow from a shadowy stranger wearing a top hat covered in enigmatic symbols to get the cogs chuffing along again.

What a relief. After so many weeks, well, months even, I couldn't help but illogically and dramatically start to worry that perhaps my writing abilities were now floating beyond my reach in some creative ether, forever inaccessible :)

Now, it's my body's turn. I'm off for a shuffle around the park. I'd better take my brolly.

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