"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Sunday, July 29, 2012

So Many Stories, So Few Sundays

So I spent hours today knocking an already edited and polished story down to a (for it) lean 4000 words and then submitted it with much confidence. This confidence was utterly misplaced because just now, a mere 5 hours later, I received a rejection for said story. The editors certainly know what they want, and obviously this particular story didn't even come close. This was my second sub to their anthology. The first one was rejected quite rapidly too. I've got one more piece up my sleeve that I plan to cruelly inflict upon those editors before their deadline - hahahaha - then I'll call it quits, because even the most deluded writer has to accept that nothing quite says 'we are not on the same wavelength' like a third rejection.

Anyway, I'm fine with said rejection, and I'll just calmly sub the story to another publication tomorrow with nary a disappointed tear staining my cheek, but I do wish they'd waited until tomorrow to send it. That way, I wouldn't find myself wondering now whether my precious Sunday afternoon would have been better spent on that other story which might have...


parlance said...

Such a quick rejection has a positive side to it, though, because it seems to mean the story just isn't what they want at this time, rather than that they think it's not well written

Gitte Christensen said...

I don't really mind a quick rejection. It cuts down on the waiting time, and I can send the story on to someone else rather than have it languishing where it's not wanted. It's all about keeping the stories moving from market to market.