"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Keep Calm and Carry On

Instead of heading off to Melbourne for the spec-fic workshop, I went to the movies yesterday morning (The Avengers – yay, Joss and everyone else who helped bring this much fun to the big screen!), but even that light duty, laughter-filled, back-up plan brought on a relapse. So instead of merely resting and then meeting up with a friend for the leisurely opening of a local art show in the evening, I spent the rest of the day recuperating, napping, and chafing at the bit over how much I wasn't getting done. Lots of reading and movie watching is great for a while, but I hate being out of action for this long. It's soooooo frustrating. ***

Also, I got a rejection for a story that I was really hoping would make the cut. Isn’t it always the way? When you least need them...

Ah well, there’s nothing to do but stay calm, stay the course, and stay positive. I’ll send off two stories today, one of which I’m absolutely certain will be accepted :)

***this frustration is entirely my own fault, it turns out. If I'd remembered what the nurse said before I went in and read the post-surgery information sheet properly afterwards, I'd have realised that recovery usually takes one week, all of which is a bit of a relief really, because otherwise something wasn't right. For some reason, I got it into my head that a couple of days would do the trick. Wishful thinking, perhaps.


Anonymous said...


A fairly gentle one, though. I'm only mentioning it because...probably the same market. You know. The one we both subbed to. You can borrow my copy after I buy one.


Gitte Christensen said...

I must admit, I WAS wondering. It was very kind of you to drop by and let me know :)

Mine was gentle too, the old 'not quite what we are looking for'. Drats. It would have been so cool...

Still, at the risk of sounding like a terribly evil person - and believe me, I would have been truly overjoyed on your behalf if you'd been included - the fact that they also declined one of YOUR stories makes me feel less inadequate.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Flattery will get you everywhere ;)


Gitte Christensen said...

Tee hee - what flattery? ;)