"I'm just going to write because I can't help it."- Charlotte Brontë

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Musical Marvel

So it was Captain America today, so we're up to speed for The Avengers next year (we saw Thor back in April). Seeds are being sown, emotional issues are being raised, characters both good and evil are lining up, and powerful artifacts are being strewn hither and thither. And in the real world, there's Joss Whedon writing and directing, and Mark Ruffalo (*sigh*) still to come as Hulk. Talk about yay!

I liked this movie, the retro future SF look (nice segue from yesterday, eh?), the clean cut Brooklyn boy as a hero who just wants to battle bullies, and you have to admit, the Nazis do make the best movie bad guys. There's no debating their badness - just look at the way they dress. I even liked the USO musical number, which many people seem to be a bit iffy about, but it suited the times and the setting, and set the character up for what was to follow.

And I must say, Hugo Weaving certainly has a all-round kind of life. Last month, we saw him sensitively play a victim of abuse in Oranges and Sunshine, and this month he's stomping about in macho leather having a ball as Red Skull. There's someone who can do both serious, small movies and blockbuster fun without thinking that the one necessarily detracts from the other.

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